.. _buffer: ************************ Resizable binary buffers ************************ .. highlight:: c :: #include This section defines a resizable binary buffer type. This class can also be used to construct C strings, when you don't know the size of the string in advance. This class is not reference counted; we assume that there's a single owner of the buffer. The contents of a :c:type:`cork_buffer` are fully mutable. If you want to turn the buffer into something that's safe to pass between threads, you can use the :c:func:`cork_buffer_to_slice()` or :c:func:`cork_buffer_to_managed_buffer()` functions to create an immutable managed wrapper around the buffer. You can read the contents of the buffer by accessing the :c:member:`buf ` and :c:member:`size ` fields directly. However, to modify the contents of a buffer, you should use the mutator functions described below, since they take care of automatically resizing the underlying buffer when necessary. .. note:: This class always creates its own copy of any data added to the buffer; there aren't any methods for wrapping existing buffers without copying. If you want to do that, you should use :ref:`managed-buffer` or :ref:`slice`. .. type:: struct cork_buffer A resizable binary buffer. .. member:: void \*buf The current contents of the buffer. .. member:: size_t size The current size of the buffer. .. function:: void cork_buffer_init(struct cork_buffer \*buffer) struct cork_buffer CORK_BUFFER_INIT() Initialize a new buffer instance that you've allocated yourself (usually on the stack). The ``CORK_BUFFER_INIT`` version can only be used as a static initializer. The preallocated ``cork_buffer`` instance that you provide doesn't include space for the content of the buffer; this will be allocated automatically as content is added. .. function:: struct cork_buffer \*cork_buffer_new(void) Allocate and initialize a new buffer instance. .. function:: void cork_buffer_done(struct cork_buffer \*buffer) Finalize a buffer, freeing any content that it contains. This function should only be used for buffers that you allocated yourself, and initialized using :c:func:`cork_buffer_init()` or :c:func:`CORK_BUFFER_INIT()`. You must **not** use this function to free a buffer allocated using :c:func:`cork_buffer_free()`. .. function:: void cork_buffer_free(struct cork_buffer \*buffer) Finalize and deallocate a buffer, freeing any content that it contains. This function should only be used for buffers allocated using :c:func:`cork_buffer_new()`. You must **not** use this function to free a buffer initialized using :c:func:`cork_buffer_init()` or :c:func:`CORK_BUFFER_INIT()`. .. function:: bool cork_buffer_equal(const struct cork_buffer \*buffer1, const struct cork_buffer \*buffer2) Compare two buffers for equality. .. function:: int cork_buffer_ensure_size(struct cork_buffer \*buffer, size_t desired_size) Ensure that a buffer has allocated enough space to store at least *desired_size* bytes. We won't shrink the size of the buffer's internal storage; if the buffer has already allocated at least *desired_size* bytes, the function acts as a no-op. Mutator functions ----------------- Most of the mutator functions defined in this section come in two variants: a ``_set`` function, which clears the buffer before adding new content, and an ``_append`` function, which retains the old content, adding the new content to the end of the buffer. Each mutator function will automatically append an extra ``NUL`` byte to the end of whatever content is placed into the buffer. However, this ``NUL`` byte will **not** be included in the :c:member:`size ` of the buffer. This ensures that the contents of any ``cork_buffer`` can be used as a ``NUL``\ -terminated C string (assuming that there aren't any internal ``NUL``\ s), even if the buffer is constructed from a data source that doesn't include ``NUL`` terminators. .. function:: void cork_buffer_clear(struct cork_buffer \*buffer) Clears a buffer. This does not free any storage that the buffer has allocated; this storage will be reused if you add contents back to the buffer. .. function:: int cork_buffer_set(struct cork_buffer \*buffer, const void \*src, size_t length) int cork_buffer_append(struct cork_buffer \*buffer, const void \*src, size_t length) Copy the contents of *src* into a buffer. The ``_set`` variant clears the buffer first, while the ``_append`` variant adds *src* to whatever content is already there. .. function:: int cork_buffer_set_string(struct cork_buffer \*buffer, const char \*str) int cork_buffer_append_string(struct cork_buffer \*buffer, const char \*str) Copy the contents of *str* (which must be a ``NUL``\ -terminated C string) into a buffer. The ``_set`` variant clears the buffer first, while the ``_append`` variant adds *str* to whatever content is already there. .. function:: int cork_buffer_printf(struct cork_buffer \*buffer, const char \*format, ...) int cork_buffer_vprintf(struct cork_buffer \*buffer, const char \*format, va_list args) int cork_buffer_append_printf(struct cork_buffer \*buffer, const char \*format, ...) int cork_buffer_append_vprintf(struct cork_buffer \*buffer, const char \*format, va_list args) Format data according to a ``printf`` format string, placing the result into a buffer. The ``_append`` variants add the formatted string to whatever content is already in the buffer; the non-\ ``_append`` variants clear the buffer first. The ``_printf`` variants are vararg functions, and take in the format string's data as direct parameters. The ``_vprintf`` variants can be used within another vararg function, and let you pass in the format string's data as a C99-standard ``va_list`` instance. Other binary data structures ---------------------------- The ``cork_buffer`` class is the only binary data class that is mutable; this comes at the cost of only being usable by a single owner thread or function at a time. Once you have constructed a binary string or payload using a ``cork_buffer``, you can use the functions in this section to produce a corresponding instance of one of libcork's sharable, immutable binary data types. .. function:: struct cork_managed_buffer \*cork_buffer_to_managed_buffer(struct cork_buffer \*buffer) Create a new :ref:`managed buffer ` to manage the contents of a ``cork_buffer`` instance. *buffer* must have been allocated on the heap (i.e., using :c:func:`cork_buffer_new()`, and not :c:func:`cork_buffer_init()`). We take ownership of *buffer*, regardless of whether we're able to successfully create a new :c:type:`cork_managed_buffer` instance. You must **not** try to free *buffer* yourself. .. function:: int cork_buffer_to_slice(struct cork_buffer \*buffer, struct cork_slice \*slice) Initialize a new :ref:`slice ` to manage the contents of *buffer*. *buffer* must have been allocated on the heap (i.e., using :c:func:`cork_buffer_new()`, and not :c:func:`cork_buffer_init()`). We take ownership of *buffer*, regardless of whether we're able to successfully create a new :c:type:`cork_managed_buffer` instance. You must **not** try to free *buffer* yourself. The slice will point into the contents of a new :ref:`managed buffer ` instance. The managed buffer isn't returned directly, though you can create additional slices into it using the usual :c:type:`cork_slice` methods. Regardless of whether we can initialize the slice successfully, you **must** call :c:func:`cork_slice_finish()` on *slice* when you're done with the slice. .. function:: struct cork_stream_consumer \*cork_buffer_to_stream_consumer(struct cork_buffer \*buffer) Create a new stream consumer that appends any received data into *buffer*. We do **not** take control of *buffer*. You retain responsibility for freeing the buffer, and you must ensure that it remains allocated and valid for the entire lifetime of the stream consumer that we return.