.. _multithreading: ********************** Multithreading support ********************** .. highlight:: c :: #include libcork provides several functions for handling threads and writing thread-aware code in a portable way. .. _thread-ids: Thread IDs ========== .. type:: unsigned int cork_thread_id An identifier for a thread in the current process. This is a portable type; it is not based on the "raw" thread ID used by the underlying thread implementation. This type will always be equivalent to ``unsigned int``, on all platforms. Furthermore, :c:data:`CORK_THREAD_NONE` will always refer to an instance of this type that we guarantee will not be used by any thread. .. var:: cork_thread_id CORK_THREAD_NONE A :c:type:`cork_thread_id` value that will not be used as the ID of any thread. You can use this value to represent "no thread" in any data structures you create. Moreover, we guarantee that ``CORK_THREAD_NONE`` will have the value ``0``, which lets you zero-initialize a data structure containing a :c:type:`cork_thread_id`, and have its initial state automatically represent "no thread". .. function:: cork_thread_id cork_current_thread_get_id(void) Returns the identifier of the currently executing thread. This function works correctly for any thread in the current proces --- including the main thread, and threads that weren't created by :c:func:`cork_thread_new`. .. _threads: Creating threads ================ The functions in this section let you create and start new threads in the current process. Each libcork thread is named and has a unique :ref:`thread ID `. Each thread also contains a *body*, which defines the code that should be executed within the new thread. Every thread goes through the same lifecycle: 1) You create a new thread via :c:func:`cork_thread_new`. At this point, the thread is ready to execute, but isn't automatically started. If you encounter an error before you start the thread, you must use :c:func:`cork_thread_free` to free the thread object. When you create the thread, you give it a :c:type:`cork_thread_body` instance. This body serves two purposes: it defines the code that will be executed in the new thread, and by embedding the :c:type:`cork_thread_body` instance inside of a larger ``struct``, it gives you a place to pass data into and out of the thread. .. note:: Any data passed into and out of the thread via the body instance is not automatically synchronized or thread-safe. You can pass in input data before calling :c:type:`cork_thread_new`, and retrieve output data after calling :c:type:`cork_thread_join`. While the thread is executing, you must implement your own synchronization or locking to access the contents of the body from some other thread. 2) You start the thread via :c:func:`cork_thread_start`. You must ensure that you don't try to start a thread more than once. Once you've started a thread, you no longer have responsibility for freeing it; you must ensure that you don't call :c:func:`cork_thread_free` on a thread that you've started. 3) Once you've started a thread, you wait for it to finish via :c:func:`cork_thread_join`. Any thread can wait for any other thread to finish, although you are responsible for ensuring that your threads don't deadlock. However, you can only join a particular thread once. The thread does not automatically free its :c:type:`cork_thread_body` instance, so you can extract any output data from the thread at this point. .. type:: struct cork_thread_body The code that should be executed within a new thread. If you need to pass any information into the thread before it starts, or to retrieve information from the thread when it finishes, you should create a :ref:`subclass ` of this type. .. member:: int (\*run)(struct cork_thread_body \*body) The function that gets executed within the new thread. .. member:: void (\*free)(struct cork_thread_body \*body) Free any additional resources used by this thread body. .. function:: int cork_thread_body_run(struct cork_thread_body \*body) Execute the *body*'s :c:member:`~cork_thread_body.run` method. You will normally not have to call this function directly; the :c:member:`~cork_thread_body.run` method will be called automatically when the corresponding thread is started. .. function:: void cork_thread_body_free(struct cork_thread_body \*body) Free *body*. You must make sure not to call this function if there's a thread currently executing this body. .. type:: struct cork_thread A thread within the current process. This type is opaque; you must use the functions defined below to interact with the thread. .. function:: struct cork_thread \*cork_thread_new(const char \*name, struct cork_thread_body \*body) Create a new thread with the given *name* that will execute *body*. The thread does not start running immediately. .. function:: void cork_thread_free(struct cork_thread \*thread) Free *thread*. You can only call this function if you haven't started the thread yet. Once you start a thread, the thread is responsible for freeing itself when it finishes. .. function:: struct cork_thread \*cork_current_thread_get(void) Return the :c:type:`cork_thread` instance for the current thread. This function returns ``NULL`` when called from the main thread (i.e., the one created automatically when the process starts), or from a thread that wasn't created via :c:func:`cork_thread_new`. .. function:: const char \* cork_thread_get_name(struct cork_thread \*thread) cork_thread_id cork_thread_get_id(struct cork_thread \*thread) Retrieve information about the given thread. .. function:: int cork_thread_start(struct cork_thread \*thread) Start *thread*. After calling this function, you must not try to free *thread* yourself; the thread will automatically free itself once it has finished executing and has been joined. .. function:: int cork_thread_join(struct cork_thread \*thread) Wait for *thread* to finish executing. If the thread's body's :c:member:`~cork_thread_body.run` method returns an :ref:`error condition `, we will catch that error and return it ourselves. The thread is automatically freed once it finishes executing. You cannot join a thread that has not been started, and once you've started a thread, you **must** join it exactly once. (If you don't join it, there's no guarantee that it will be freed.) .. _atomics: Atomic operations ================= We provide several platform-agnostic macros for implementing common atomic operations. Addition ~~~~~~~~ .. function:: void cork_int_atomic_add(volatile int_t \*var, int_t delta) void cork_uint_atomic_add(volatile uint_t \*var, uint_t delta) Atomically add *delta* to the variable pointed to by *var*, returning the result of the addition. .. function:: void cork_int_atomic_pre_add(volatile int_t \*var, int_t delta) void cork_uint_atomic_pre_add(volatile uint_t \*var, uint_t delta) Atomically add *delta* to the variable pointed to by *var*, returning the value from before the addition. Subtraction ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. function:: void cork_int_atomic_sub(volatile int_t \*var, int_t delta) void cork_uint_atomic_sub(volatile uint_t \*var, uint_t delta) Atomically subtract *delta* from the variable pointed to by *var*, returning the result of the subtraction. .. function:: void cork_int_atomic_pre_sub(volatile int_t \*var, int_t delta) void cork_uint_atomic_pre_sub(volatile uint_t \*var, uint_t delta) Atomically subtract *delta* from the variable pointed to by *var*, returning the value from before the subtraction. Compare-and-swap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. function:: int_t cork_int_cas(volatile int_t \*var, int_t old_value, int_t new_value) uint_t cork_uint_cas(volatile uint_t \*var, uint_t old_value, uint_t new_value) TYPE \*cork_ptr_cas(TYPE \* volatile \*var, TYPE \*old_value, TYPE \*new_value) Atomically check whether the variable pointed to by *var* contains the value *old_value*, and if so, update it to contain the value *new_value*. We return the value of *var* before the compare-and-swap. (If this value is equal to *old_value*, then the compare-and-swap was successful.) .. _once: Executing something once ======================== The functions in this section let you ensure that a particular piece of code is executed exactly once, even if multiple threads attempt the execution at roughly the same time. .. macro:: cork_once_barrier(name) Declares a barrier that can be used with the :c:func:`cork_once` macro. .. macro:: cork_once(barrier, call) cork_once_recursive(barrier, call) Ensure that *call* (which can be an arbitrary statement) is executed exactly once, regardless of how many times control reaches the call to ``cork_once``. If control reaches the ``cork_once`` call at roughly the same time in multiple threads, exactly one of them will be allowed to execute the code. The call to ``cork_once`` won't return until *call* has been executed. If you have multiple calls to ``cork_once`` that use the same *barrier*, then exactly one *call* will succeed. If the *call* statements are different in those ``cork_once`` invocations, then it's undefined which one gets executed. If the function that contains the ``cork_once`` call is recursive, then you should call the ``_recursive`` variant of the macro. With the ``_recursive`` variant, if the same thread tries to obtain the underlying lock multiple times, the second and later calls will silently succeed. With the regular variant, you'll get a deadlock in this case. These macros are usually used to initialize a static variable that will be shared across multiple threads:: static struct my_type shared_value; static void expensive_initialization(void) { /* do something to initialize shared_value */ } cork_once_barrier(shared_value_once); struct my_type * get_shared_value(void) { cork_once(shared_value_once, expensive_initialization()); return &shared_value; } Each thread can then call ``get_shared_value`` to retrieve a properly initialized instance of ``struct my_type``. Regardless of how many threads call this function, and how often they call it, the value will be initialized exactly once, and will be guaranteed to be initialized before any thread tries to use it. .. _tls: Thread-local storage ==================== The macro in this section can be used to create thread-local storage in a platform-agnostic manner. .. macro:: cork_tls(TYPE type, SYMBOL name) Creates a static function called :samp:`{[name]}_get`, which will return a pointer to a thread-local instance of *type*. This is a static function, so it won't be visible outside of the current compilation unit. When a particular thread's instance is created for the first time, it will be filled with ``0`` bytes. If the actual type needs more complex initialization before it can be used, you can create a wrapper struct that contains a boolean indiciating whether that initialization has happened:: struct wrapper { bool initialized; struct real_type val; }; cork_tls(struct wrapper, wrapper); static struct real_type * real_type_get(void) { struct wrapper * wrapper = wrapper_get(); struct real_type * real_val = &wrapper->val; if (CORK_UNLIKELY(!wrapper->initialized)) { expensive_initialization(real_val); } return real_val; } It's also not possible to provide a finalization function; if your thread-local variable acquires any resources or memory that needs to be freed when the thread finishes, you must make a “thread cleanup” function that you explicitly call at the end of each thread. .. note:: On some platforms, the number of thread-local values that can be created by any given process is limited (i.e., on the order of 128 or 256 values). This means that you should limit the number of thread-local values you create, especially in a library.