.. _bits: ******** Bit sets ******** .. highlight:: c :: #include This sections defines a type for storing an array of bits. This data structure is most often used to implement a set of integers. It is particularly good when you expect your sets to be *dense*. You should not use a bitset if the number of possibly elements is outrageously large, however, since that would cause your bitset to exhaust the available memory. .. type:: struct cork_bitset An array of bits. You should not allocate any instances of this type yourself; use :c:func:`cork_bitset_new` instead. .. member:: size_t bit_count The number of bits that are included in this array. (Each bit can be on or off; this does not give you the number of bits that are *on*, it gives you the number of bits in total, on or off.) .. function:: struct cork_bitset \*cork_bitset_new(size_t bit_count) Create a new bitset with enough space to store the given number of bits. .. function:: void cork_bitset_free(struct cork_bitset \*set) Free a bitset. .. function:: bool cork_bitset_get(struct cork_bitset \*set, size_t index) Return whether the given bit is on or off in *set*. It is your responsibility to ensure that *index* is within the valid range for *set*. .. function:: void cork_bitset_set(struct cork_bitset \*set, size_t index, bool value) Turn the given bit on or off in *set*. It is your responsibility to ensure that *index* is within the valid range for *set*.